I’ve thought of creating a different tool after creating the PowerShell Office 365 tool a couple of days ago to improve my PowerShell coding and to make my work and that of my colleagues a little bit easier. The PowerShell Office 365 inventory tool lists a lot of...
PowerShellPowerShell Office 365 Groups Tool
I’ve been looking for a tool to easily manage Windows Updates on servers and found the PoshPAIG tool by Boe Prox at https://learn-powershell.net/ which has been created with PowerShell with a nice GUI. A colleague of mine wanted a Office 365 Groups tool to easily...
Get Office 365 Admin Roles using PowerShell
Office 365 has a couple of admin roles which can be assigned to different users. With the below PowerShell one-liner you can get the Office 365 Admin Roles in 1 overview. Get-MsolRole | %{$role = $_.name; Get-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectId...
Several useful PowerShell cmdlets for Office 365
On 22-11-2016 I presented a presentation with the title “Manage Office365 quick, painless and safe with PowerShell” at Experts Live 2016. During this presentation I showed several useful PowerShell cmdlets for Office365 and mainly for the Azure Active Directory,...
Possible uses for the PowerShell loop through each site script
A few posts ago I created a script that loops through each site in a site collection. The script is located at https://www.sharepointfire.com/2016/05/powershell-script-to-loop-through-each-sharepoint-online-site/. I’ll use this post to add all the commands I’ve used...
PowerShell script to loop through each SharePoint Online site
This PowerShell script will let you loop through each SharePoint Online site to perform a specific action. I’ve been asked a couple of times to write a script to for example create a new document library in each site, add a web part or grant permissions. I always...