This post is part of a series where we will be using the Log Analytics workspace to store Office 365 information which will then be used to create a dashboard. We will first create the Log Analytics workspace in Azure, then create an app registration in Azure Active...
PowerShellSharePoint on-premises initial troubleshooting steps in 1 script
on-premises initial troubleshooting steps in 1 script including stopping and starting SharePoint services, IISReset and cleaning the configuration cache
Get SharePoint Online workflows by using PowerShell CSOM
Get all SharePoint Online workflows by using PowerShell CSOM. Helpfull for workflow migrations to Flow or to just list all workflows
Get SharePoint on-premises workflow ‘last modified by’ using PowerShell
Script to prevent issues when planning to delete SharePoint on-premises administrator accounts who may be the author of published workflows.
Another way to get the correlation ID information on-premises
Another way to get all SharePoing ULS events for a specific correlation ID with PowerShell
Get SharePoint Online Lists with more than 5000 items
Find all lists and libraries with more than 5000 items for each web and its subwebs with the amount you want to check for using a PowerShell Gallery script.