We encountered the issue where people were receiving access denied errors when uploading documents while having contribute permissions for a specific document library. Create a document worked most of the time but access was denied for some tries with the error “Sorry, you don’t have access to this page”
The user clicked on “New document” and was presented with the “Create a new document” pop-up.
The below error occurred after click on OK
The below was available in the ULS Log.
Access Denied. Exception: Access denied., StackTrace: at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.GetFileAndFolderProperties(String bstrUrl, String bstrStartUrl, ListDocsFlags ListDocsFlags, Boolean bThrowException, Int32& phrStatus, Object& pvarFiles, Object& pvarDirs, UInt32& pdwNumberOfFiles, UInt32& pdwNumberOfDirs) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetFileAndFolderProperties(String bstrUrl, String bstrStartUrl, ListDocsFlags ListDocsFlags, Boolean bThrowException, Int32& phrStatus, Object& pvarFiles, Object& pvarDirs, UInt32& pdwNumberOfFiles, UInt32& pdwNumberOfDirs).
Access Denied for <SiteName>/_layouts/15/CreateNewDocument.aspx?id=https://xxxx etc etc
The user had the permissions to upload documents and create documents given by the members group. This library was setup that users were not able to view other peoples documents. After troubleshooting we found that the document name already existed in the library but the user doesn’t have permissions to view this document metadata and receives the access denied error. The error changes to “Sorry, something went wrong” should the user be able to view the document with an better message saying “A file with the name <DocName> exists.”